Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Ray & Ivy Registration of Marriage @ Meritus Mandarin

Once upon a time, there were 4 silly guys planning to go Ubin for a one day outing in celebrating of Jen’s birthday.. haha… so… this was how we got the photos below @_@ I guess Titanic was really hot during that time, huh?  Digital camera was still selling at hefty price tag during that time and none of us remember to bring any film camera (okie, this was a guy outing!).. so.. we spent 20 bucks and get a disposable film camera, not a bad decision though …haha… (got some really meaningful photos!! )

okie, let’s back to the topic.. those were the good old days and obviously, we’re not gay as Ray is getting marry!! woohoo! Let’s see some photos from their ROM.


not enough ? No problem! If you’re Ray or Ivy friends , please check out URL for full album by me : http://www.jenwongphotography.com/Proofs/RayIvy/

Otherwise, check out Bobby’s blog!  As I got special assignment during that day, hoho!


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